I was set an assignment to produce a number of animated cinemagraphs for an upcoming brand awareness marketing campaign. The truth was I knew about this medium, but had never really tried it for myself. A client was trusting me with something I'd never done before.
Read MoreOn This Day: Big Yellow
These big yellow machines are amazing! I only had a chance to watch them whizz around for a few fleeting moments before they'd drive off again. The assignment was to showcase a local gardening and supplies products, facilities, equipment and of course their beloved quarry. Walking around a quarry is surely a muddy day ahead, but the results are clearly worth it!
Read MoreOn This Day: Red Tape
I was wondering the streets of Deventer looking for something to take my attention. When I go shooting for myself, it's usually a time where I can observe a subject or location with my own interest. I usually couple these sessions by selling my photography services to those who I think might be interested in what I am doing. This is the main way I network and get more and more people to look at my photography. I suggest anyone do this, just have some business cards ready.
Read MoreOn This Day: Bayside
In 2014 I started working for Real Estate Agents on their commercial and residential campaigns. Their clients would commission me to fly above to capture their property. Between these luscious property shoots, I would get the opportunity to capture my own images.
Read MoreOn This Day: Suburban
When it rained, I used to sit around and wait until it passed. It was peaceful at times although it was never enough for me to sit still. Even though you can get drenched or catch a cold all while caught in a storm, the bottom line is you can still take much better pictures than from inside your bedroom window.
Read MoreOn This Day: Sweaty Nights
I love to go out with my friends, drink until dawn, dancing through the night. Although this isn’t the best demonstration of camera quality, it truly reflects the evening for me. Way to many new names to remember, way to many drinks. It’s this strange feeling I want to capture, the one where you the only one not in conversation. I don’t want a photograph of the night, but a photograph of how I felt that night. I must say there is something about these clubs that make me feel more wasted than I actually am.
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